The direct influence of retinal degeneration on electrical stimulation efficacy: Significant implications for retinal prostheses.

2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)(2023)

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Photoreceptor loss and inner retinal network remodeling severely impacts the ability of retinal prosthetic devices to create artificial vision. We developed a computational model of a degenerating retina based on rodent data and tested its response to retinal electrical stimulation. This model includes detailed network connectivity and diverse neural intrinsic properties, capable of exploring how the degenerated retina influences the performance of electrical stimulation during the degeneration process. Our model suggests the possibility of quantitatively modulating retinal ON and OFF pathways between phase II and III of retinal degeneration without requiring any differences between ON and OFF RGC intrinsic cellular properties. The model also provided insights about how remodeling events influence stage-dependent differential electrical responses of ON and OFF pathways.Clinical Relevance-This data-driven model can guide future development of retinal prostheses and stimulation strategies that may benefit patients at different stages of retinal disease progression, particularly in the early and mid-stages, thus increasing their global acceptance.
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