Evaluating computed bony range of motion (BROM) by registering in-vitro cadaver-based functional range of motion (FROM) to a hip motion simulation

Arnab Palit,Mark A. Williams,Ercihan Kiraci, Vineet Seemala, Vatsal Gupta, Jim Pierrepont,Christopher Plaskos,Richard King


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Background: While modern hip replacement planning relies on hip motion simulation (HMS), it lacks the capability to include soft-tissues and ligaments restraints on computed bony range of motion (BROM), often leading to an overestimation of the in-vivo functional range of motion (FROM). Furthermore, there is a lack of literature on BROM assessment in relation to FROM. Therefore, the study aimed to assess computed BROM using in-vitro cadaver-derived FROM measurements, registered to a CT-based in-house HMS, and to further investigate the effect of functional and anatomical hip joint centres (FHJC and AHJC) on BROM.Method: Seven limiting and three non-limiting circumducted passive FROM of four cadaver hips were measured using optical coordinate measuring machine with reference spheres (RSs) affixed to the pelvis and the femur, following CT-scan of the specimen. The RSs' centres were used to register the measured FROM in HMS, enabling its virtual recreation to compute corresponding BROM by detecting nearest bony impingement. FHJC, estimated from non-limiting FROM, was compared with AHJC to examine their positional differences and effect on BROM. Results: Differences in BROM and FROM were minimal in deep flexion (3.0 degrees +/- 4.1 degrees) and maximum internal rotation (IR) at deep flexion (3.0 degrees +/- 2.9 degrees), but substantially greater in extension (53.2 degrees +/- 9.5 degrees). Bony impingement was observed during flexion, and IR at deep flexion for two hips. The average positional difference between FHJC and AHJC was 3.1 +/- 1.2 mm, resulting in BROM differences of 1 degrees -13 degrees across four motions.Conclusions: The study provided greater insight into the applicability and reliability of computed BROM in presurgical planning.
Hip range of motion,Bony impingement,Motion measurement,Functional range of motion,Activities of daily living (ADLs),Soft tissue,Ligaments
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