Citizen science and technological approaches for sustainable drinking water supply and management in rural areas

Elsevier eBooks(2024)

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Citizen science is the practice of including individuals from the public community in the planning, collecting, and evaluation stages of scientific investigation. Even though citizen science has been there throughout the beginning of science, advances in sensor technologies, information interpretation, and visualization, and the sharing of concepts and findings are opening up a broad array of potential for the general people to get involved in scientific study. This paper examines the current state of citizen science in the context of water supply and management in rural areas considering how citizen science may work in conjunction with more conventional methods of scientific knowledge development and data gathering for the management of water resources. Although collective water resource management data frequently required the use of advanced technology, the development of affordable, low-maintenance, and reliable equipment has opened up new prospects for data acquisition in a citizen scientific setting. These data hold great promise for the development of new scientific knowledge, particularly concerning the characterization of system diversity, distant areas, and human-induced the earth system. Additionally, it emphasizes thorough planning of citizen science initiatives to ensure that the data provided best supplements other accessible knowledge. The involvement of scientific understanding in the decision-making system and the prospective difficulty to existing community organizations faced by the co-generation of innovative information are discussed. We accomplish this by employing two case studies from remote rural regions to represent the opportunities and challenges in the assimilation of hydrologically centered citizen science in the management of water resources.
sustainable drinking water supply,technological approaches
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