Therapeutic potential of epigenetic drugs

Elsevier eBooks(2024)

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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death, taking millions of lives each year. Genetic mutation, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status largely contribute to the development of CVD. However, recent studies established the correlation between gene modification and disease development. Epigenetic changes in DNA and its associated proteins can regulate cellular transcription and signaling. For example, methylation of DNA can suppress gene transcription, whereas acetylation and methylation of histone tightly regulate the compactness of chromosomes, which determine the turn on and off specific genes. Evolving evidence supports the notion that certain epigenetic patterns of DNA and histone proteins are associated with specific disease types. Additionally, it is found that these modifications can be reversed using specific drugs. So, knowledge of epigenetics can be useful for the treatment of CVD. Several clinical trials have been going on to explore the epidrugs in treating CVDs. Moreover, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle showed promising effects in controlling CVDs and through epigenetic modification.
therapeutic potential,drugs
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