The Transition of Food Grain Purchasing Systems in Urban Gated Communities Towards a Circular Economy in India

Avinash Prakasha,Subhashree Mohapatra,Shiva Ji

Smart innovation, systems and technologies(2023)

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Among the most critical industries for India's economic growth is the food grain industry, but it also plays an exciting and crucial role in addressing significant environmental concerns. The tremendous agricultural progress in India has unquestionably helped the country achieve national self-sufficiency in terms of food grain supply. It is no secret that the way people shop for food has changed considerably over the past few decades due to reasons like rising wealth in urban areas and a growing knowledge of the health benefits of organic and natural foods. The current food system has fuelled economic expansion and urbanisation. These gains in efficiency have come at a price, and today's model cannot meet the long-term demands of the economy. This study investigates how the service system design method might help urban gated communities transform their local food grain purchasing systems into a circular economy. Circular economies that are both productive and circular rely on products that can be reused, restored, and remanufactured. The goal is to maintain the utility of things rather than simply recuperating the energy or chemicals utilised in their creation. As a society, we may look forward to a more sustainable future thanks to the concept of a circular economy.
food grain purchasing systems,circular economy,urban gated communities,india
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