Palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental responses to abrupt climate changes during the Late Glacial: The unique archive recorded at the Osinki site (NE Poland) and its regional importance

Quaternary International(2023)

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The reconstruction of environmental changes at the termination of the Last Glaciation range in NE Europe during the Late Glacial is hampered by the multiplicity of processes underway at that time and during the Holocene that dynamically modified the Young Glacial landscape. In lake sediments, these changes are recorded in a manner that is almost always incomplete or disturbed. For this reason, the succession that was successfully reconstructed in two profiles from the Osinki site in NE Poland is extremely valuable. Palynological, Cladocera and geochemical analyses, as well as fragmentary malacofauna and diatom analyses, made it possible to trace the changes in the environment that took place in two differently functioning parts of a single lake, in not interrupted periods from the Oldest Dryas to the Younger Dryas. Detailed research results show that despite the proximity of natural environment components, their developments in both cases were conducted in different ways, what they prove to the changes in pollen record, Cladocera, and geochemical composition of sediments. Climate changes affected the changes in the vegetation, the composition of malacofauna, Cladocera and diatoms. They also influenced the erosion processes within the catchment and the oxidation-reduction conditions. On the basis of the research results, changes in water trophy, from oligotrophic to eutrophic, were also observed. In this case, we also observe significant differences between the two analysed profiles. These changes first occurred in Allerød in the shallow part of the lake, and then in its deeper zone in Young Dryas.
Late glacial,Palaeoenvironmental changes,NE Poland,Cladocera,Pollen,Multiproxy analysis
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