phenomenon of grant handover of state owned goods is not implemented yet at Balai Prasarana Permukiman Wilayah Jawa Timur

Muslim Marpaung,Imam Subekti,Wuryan Andayani

International journal of business, economics & management(2023)

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The transfer of state property still faces obstacles that fail in its implementation, as revealed in the audit results of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK-RI) for the Ministry of PUPR. This study aims to gain the understanding and experience of managers and users of state property in the transfer of grants that have not been implemented through an interview process and using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPAs). Therefore, this research was conducted using qualitative methods. The results of this study identified seven themes which included the informant's description of the transfer of grants that had not been implemented, the causes of the transfer failure, the informant's response to the failure, the informant's ability to deal with failure, the support needed by the informant, the informant's description of the transfer that should have been made, and the informant's expectations related to the transfer. The conclusions reached by managers and users show varied responses, coordinate efforts between the center and regions, and have expectations of synergies, additional budgets, and human resources. Research recommends better understanding, improved regulation, and inter-agency cooperation to overcome these obstacles.
grant handover,goods,jawa timur
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