Reproductive and obstetric outcomes after radical trachelectomy in patients with early invasive uterine cervical cancer

G. Kwon,Y. Jung,J. Kwon,J. Lee,Y. Kim, H. Kwon


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Young patients with early invasive uterine cervical cancer could receive radical trachelectomy (RT) as a conservative fertility-sparing therapy. However, since RT surgery is not the standard treatment for cervical cancer, women have a burden to attempt pregnancy owing to recurrence. Pregnancies following RT are high risk of pregnancy loss, preterm birth, and intrauterine infection because of removal of uterine cervix. This study was conducted to evaluate the reproductive and obstetric outcomes in early invasive cervical cancer patients who were treated with RT. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients diagnosed with early invasive cervical cancer in tertiary medical centre from January 2006 to December 2022. Each patient's clinicopathologic characteristics, subsequent pregnancy outcomes were reviewed. The cervical status at the time of pregnancy were evaluated. A total of 116 patients with stage CIN3–IB2 invasive cervical cancer who received RT in reproductive age were recruited. A total of 17 patients got pregnant and 24 pregnancies were analysed. The median time to be pregnant after RT was 20.1 months. Four cases experienced miscarriage in 1st trimester, 3 with miscarriage in 2nd trimester, 8 with preterm deliveries and 9 with term deliveries. Four cases experienced premature preterm rupture of the membrane and 4 pregnancies were confirmed chorioamnionitis in placenta. The rate of deliveries after 24 gestational weeks according to cervical status were 92.3% (12/13) in CL ≥ 1cm, 50% (2/4) in 0 < CL < 1cm, and 42.8% (3/7) in no visible cervix. Both the obstetrical and oncological outcomes after RT have become favourable for pregnant patients after RT. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
radical trachelectomy,obstetric outcomes
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