Cellular metabolism genes expression in the onset of diabetic nephropathy: an experimental model of diabetes mellitus.

Jessica Encinas, Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca,Joyce Regina Santos Raimundo, Carlos Henrique Foncesca Peiró,Matheus Moreira Perez,Giuliana Petri,Thaís Moura Gascón, Paulo Eduardo Ocke Reis, Laura Beatriz Mesiano Maifrino,Beatriz da Costa Aguiar Alves,Gláucia Luciano da Veiga

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with prospects for an increase worldwide, therefore, researches are developed to understand its metabolic implications, as well as the early signaling of the onset of the disease and possible complications. The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression profile in the genes Mct1, Mct4, Cd147, Hif-1α and Vegf for different biological matrices in rats induced to diabetes in the determined periods of: 7, 21, 30 and 40 days. Wistar rats (160-180g, n=68), divided into sham and diabetic groups evaluated according to tissue samples from the heart, brain and kidney, blood samples; being studied in classical biochemical analysis and in the determination of intergroup differential gene expression, temporally, by qPCR. The main alterations were observed in the renal tissues - decrease in the expression of Hif-1α (21x30 days) and Vegf (21x40 days), and in the brain - with significant alterations in the evaluated genes, comparing the early group (7 days) and late groups (30 and 40 days). Thus, we observed that the evaluated genes are related to metabolic changes that, over time, corroborate the worsening of diabetes and the installation of secondary diseases, directly and/or indirectly related to the evaluated tissues.
diabetic nephropathy,cellular metabolism genes expression,diabetes mellitus
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