Approach to atrial fibrillation

Canadian Family Physician(2023)

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Objective To support family physicians in preventing atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients at risk and in identifying and managing those with established AF; and to summarize key recommendations for ideal screening and care of patients. Sources of information The 2020 Canadian Cardiovascular Society and Canadian Heart Rhythm Society comprehensive guidelines for the management of AF, based on current evidence and clinical experience related to AF. Main message Atrial fibrillation, which is estimated to affect at least 500,000 Canadians, is associated with high risks of stroke, heart failure, and death. Primary care clinicians occupy a central role in the management of this chronic condition, focusing on the challenges of preventing AF and identifying, diagnosing, treating, and following patients with AF. Evidence-based guidelines that provide optimal management strategies have been published by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society and Canadian Heart Rhythm Society to assist in these tasks. Messages critical to primary care are offered to support effective knowledge translation. Conclusion Most patients with AF can be managed effectively in primary care. Family physicians not only play an important role in ensuring patients with AF receive timely diagnoses, but they are also key to providing initial and ongoing care, especially in patients with comorbid conditions.
atrial fibrillation
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