SP5.10 Is there a difference in Survival Outcomes of Dual Kidney Transplants (DKTs) of Allografts Procured from DCD versus DBD Donors in absence of a Dedicated National Pathology Service? A Propensity Score Analysis of UK Transplant Registry. An Epidemiology in Transplant Study Group (ETrSG) Initiative

Abdullah Khawaja, Ibrahim Khawaja, Mahmud Saedon,Sanjay Mehra, Aruna Sharma,Hemant Sharma

British Journal of Surgery(2023)

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Abstract Background Dual kidney transplants (DKTs) are generally from supra-marginal or small-for-size kidneys that are implanted to provide optimum total nephron-mass. Glomerulosclerosis Pathology Scoring is used globally to guide whether single or DKT are indicated for transplant. Additionally, there are reported concerns regarding donation after cardiac death (DCD) transplant outcomes’ inferiority to donation after brain death (DBD) transplants but there are no reported survival outcomes of DKT procured from DCD v/s DBD donors. Aim This study aims to research if there is a difference in survival outcomes of DKTs of allografts procured from DCD versus DBD Donors in the UK. Methods In this exploratory analysis, adults who underwent DKT in the UK between Jan 1, 2000, and December 31, 2019, were identified in the NHSBT-Transplant registry data. Post-transplantation graft survival at 1& 3 years was assessed with cox-regression analysis, with propensity scores being used to control for selection bias. Results 51,961 renal transplants were reported to NHSBT during the study period, of whom 525 were DKT. After confounders were controlled for with propensity scores, no significant differences in survival outcomes were found between DCD and DBD transplants. Region of Transplant (OR 1.6, 1.0-2.5; p=0.02), transplant post-Year-2011 (OR 3.0, 1.7-5.2; p<0.00), and non-diabetic donors (OR 2.1, 1.1-3.9, p=0.009) were associated with better graft survival, while DBD transplants were associated with low delayed graft function rates (OR 0.4, 0.27 - 0.59; p<.001). Conclusions Survival outcomes of DKT procured from DCD versus DBD donors are equivalent. These results are admirable as the UK does not have a dedicated National-Pathology-Service to report pre-transplant renal biopsies.
dual kidney transplants,transplants study group,uk transplants registry,dbd donors,allografts
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