Can bioelectrical stimulation favor orthodontic treatment? A randomized clinical trial to evaluate tooth movement, patient-centered, and inflammatory biomarker outcomes

AJO-DO Clinical Companion(2023)

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Exogenous bioelectrical stimulation (BES) modulates the bone remodeling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of BES on clinical, patient-centered, and inflammatory biomarker outcomes of orthodontic tooth movement (OTM). A randomized clinical trial (n=28) matched for sex (8 men and 6 women in each group) were divided in the control group with a sham device, i.e. mouthpiece turned off: OTM + SHAM (mean of 19.4 years old), and the test group: OTM + BES (mean of 20.1 years old). Orthodontic alignment was performed with 0.012-in, 0.014-in, and 0.016-in nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires. BES (10μA/5min) was applied immediately after each wire installation, after 48h, and once a week until the next wire. The canine-to-canine crowding and Little dental irregularity index in mandibular arch was analyzed. Pain perception was measured at 0, 24, 48, and 72h after replacement of the 0.014-in and 0.016-in wires. Inflammatory biomarkers were assessed 48h after replacement of the 0.014-in wire in gingival fluid. The crowding difference (Δc) was greater in the OTM + BES than in the OTM + SHAM after 2- and 3-month evaluations and the Little index was lower in OTM + BES after 3 months of treatment. During the 0.014-in wire alignment, patient pain perception was lower in the OTM + BES than in the OTM + SHAM at 24 and 48h; and lower after 24h in 0.016-in wire alignment. BES treatment increased IL-6 and decrease IL-10 levels in gingival fluid after 48h of dental alignment. Exogenous bioelectrical stimulation can accelerate initial orthodontic tooth movement, decrease patient pain perception and modulate the inflammatory biomarkers.
bioelectrical stimulation,orthodontic treatment,tooth movement,inflammatory biomarkers,patient-centered
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