Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding on Oughtred and His Inventions

Muchamad Subali Noto, Anisyah Pratiwi Putri, Yulyanti Harisman,Lukman Harun

Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika(2023)

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Penemuan William Oughtred berupa alat peraga yang disebut slide rule membuat matematika terus berkembang. Slide rule membantu para ilmuwan dan teknisi dalam melakukan perhitungan matematika kompleks, serta membuka jalan perkembangan teknologi baru. Tujuan penelitian untuk memotivasi, memberikan informasi, dan mengetahui pengetahuan mahasiswa calon guru mengenai matematikawan Oughtred dan penemuannya. Penelitian berjenis kualitatif dengan metode literature review dan studi kasus. Literatur review didapatkan dari beberapa jurnal yang berhubungan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menelaah, menganalisis, dan mengelompokkan sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan. Studi kasus didapat dari wawancara terhadap subjek penelitian, yaitu 10 mahasiswa prodi pendidikan matematika. Instrumen berbentuk wawancara terbuka. Setiap mahasiswa diberikan pertanyaan mengenai pengetahuan tentang William Oughtred dan penemuannya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan meta analisis dan analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat tiga kategori respon mahasiswa pendidikan matematika terhadap topik wawancara. Kategori tersebut yaitu Know History Oughtred, Forget History Oughtred, dan Indifferent to History Oughtred. William Oughtred's invention in the form of a teaching aid called the slide rule made mathematics continue to develop. Slide rules help scientists and technicians perform complex mathematical calculations and pave the way for new technological developments. The research aims to motivate, provide information, and find out the knowledge of prospective teacher students about the mathematician Oughtred and his findings. Qualitative research used literature review and case study methods. Literature reviews were obtained from several related journals. Data collection techniques are carried out by examining, analyzing, and grouping conclusions obtained. Case studies were obtained from interviews with research subjects, namely 10 students in a mathematics education study program. The instrument is in the form of an open interview. Each student is given questions regarding knowledge about William Oughtred and his discoveries. Data analysis was performed by meta-analysis and thematic analysis. The results showed that there were three categories of mathematics education students' responses to the interview topic. These categories are Know History Oughtred, Forget History Oughtred, and Indifferent to History Oughtred.
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