Assessing OKNVI RESIST-5 performance for post-mortem biological samples: A prospective pilot study

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine(2024)

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In recent years, the emergence of carbapenem-resistant strains has been increasing worldwide, including in Romania. Rapid tests for post-mortem examinations have been researched and currently have several applications. In the present study, we aimed to test the performance of O.K.N.V.I. RESIST-5 tests on impure post-mortem biological samples compared with a standard of pure cultures. When a death occurs during hospitalization and the issue of malpractice arises, the medico-legal practice would benefit from rapid tests applicable to post-mortem samples. Thus, detection and differentiation of the five targeted carbapenemases, namely oxacilinase-48, Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase, New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase and imipenemase, could be useful in guiding sampling for third-party microbiological assessment and could also be an asset from an epidemiological standpoint. The present prospective and observational pilot study included medico-legal autopsy cases performed at Mina Minovici National Institute of Legal Medicine (Romania) between June and July 2022. A total of two sets of O.K.N.V.I. RESIST-5 tests were performed: Test I, which was performed on-site from biological samples obtained during autopsy; and Test II, which was performed on pure cultures after sample inoculation and incubation. Total of 39 O.K.N.V.I. RESIST-5 rapid tests were performed on 19 biological samples, at least one sample per case. The O.K.N.V.I. RESIST-5 tests performed on-site showed an overall sensitivity of 92.3% with a 100% specificity. The results obtained through rapid tests using post-mortem impure samples were comparable to the results obtained from sample cultures with good sensitivity and specificity. Through post-mortem screening for carbapenem resistance, it would be possible to narrow down the number of cases that require further bacteriological assessment.
rapid test,OKNVI RESIST-5,post-mortem sampling,legal-medicine,carbapenem-resistance
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