ArchiMate Extension to Value Co-creation: The Smart Airport Case Study

The enterprise engineering series(2023)

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The design and engineering of collaborative networks and business ecosystems is a discipline that requires an outstanding and upfront attention of the value cogenerated among the parties involved in the business exchanges of these networks. Understanding this value co-creation is undoubtedly paramount, first to adequately sustain the design and the development of the information system that brings about this value, second, to support the communication between the information system designers, and third to allow discovering new co-creation opportunities among the networks companies. In that context, we proposed an abstract language (meta-model) that structures, and provides an explanatory semantics to, the co-creation of value between information system designers, allowing a better definition of the collaboration and of each one of the value propositions. The design of this language is achieved in the frame of the design science theory and accordingly follows an iterative improvement approach based on real case studies from practitioners. This chapter introduces the second iteration of the language based on a real case in a smart airport network.
value,case study,co-creation
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