DTraComp: Comparing distributed execution traces for understanding intermittent latency sources

Maryam Ekhlasi, Fatemeh Faraji Daneshgar,Michel R. Dagenais,Maxime Lamothe,Naser Ezzati‐Jivan, Matthew Khouzam

Authorea (Authorea)(2023)

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Microservice architectures can enhance software development by using multiple programming languages and deployment infrastructures, isolating failures within individual services, and accelerating the debugging and fixing of issues in independent services. Locating performance degradation becomes challenging, due to the presence of numerous service instances with complex interactions compounded by parallelism. Although end-to-end tracing allows tracing execution paths across services, and detecting their latencies, it is limited to high-level information. Indeed, end-to-end tracing cannot pinpoint the root causes of performance degradation between the processes. Moreover, many existing performance analysis tools lack a comparison feature to give developers a comprehensive view of the performance differences between two groups of requests. This paper introduces DTraComp (Distributed Trace Compare) , an open-source framework, compatible with various microservice trace standards, and integrated with Eclipse Trace Compass™. Our framework offers robust visual comparison capability for two groups of executions within distributed systems, which includes nested spans executed in parallel. Furthermore, it provides system kernel details for each thread involved in the execution of each span, allowing it to pinpoint the reasons for performance degradation across distributed systems. We used our proposed framework to analyze five practical use cases. By evaluating the efficiency of our tool, it was determined that the overall time complexity scales linearly O(n) with the trace size, indicating its suitability for deployment in production environments. It is currently used within Ericsson company for performance evaluation purposes.
execution traces,latency,intermittent
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