A Pan-cancer Analysis of Ferroptosis-related Gene Arachidonic Acid 15-Lipoxygenase-1 (ALOX15): Its Prognostic and Immunotherapeutic Values

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract The recent researches identify ferroptosis is an entirely new form of programmed cell death. Arachidonic acid 15-lipoxygenase-1 (ALOX15) is a key gene that mediates this process. However, the role of ALOX15 in human tumors is not clear. We conducted a pan-cancer analysis to explore the role and significance of ALOX15 in pan-cancer using multiple databases, we found the transcription and protein expression of ALOX15 were significantly reduced in HNSC, LUAD, LUSC, SKCM, KICH and THCA, were significantly up-regulated in ESCA, LIHC, PRAD and UCEC, Expression of ALOX15 had prognostic value for certain cancers such as LUAD, LUSC, LIHC, KIRC, HNSC, THCA and LGG. ALOX15 expression was also markedly correlated with the clinical characteristics, immune cell infiltration, ICKs, genomic instability and antitumor drug sensitivity of different tumors. Gene mutation of ALOX15 and prognostic value of mutation was found in pan-cancers. Moreover, GO/KEGG analysis and single-cell transcriptome sequencing showed that ALOX15 was significantly associated with cancer-related pathways. The results suggested ALOX15 might serve as a prognostic and immunotherapeutic marker for pan-cancer, might provide new direction and evidence for cancer therapy.
gene arachidonic acid,alox15,pan-cancer,ferroptosis-related
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