Same day discharge after interventional electrophysiology procedures, first German experience

S. S. Popescu,C. H. Heeger,J. Vogler,C. Eitel, M. Feher,B. Kirstein,H. L. Phan, M. Marburg, C. Breithaupt, M. L. Delgado Lopez,K. H. Kuck,R. R. Tilz

European Heart Journal(2023)

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Abstract Background and purpose In most European countries, the current postprocedural gold standard following electrophysiological (EP) interventions implies the overnight monitoring of the patients in the hospital. Due to limited healthcare capacities and an increasing safety profile of ablation procedures, the mandatory overnight monitoring is under debate. Same day discharge protocol (SDD) ablation might be a safe and efficient alternative. We present the first German experience on SDD for EP interventions. Methods Patients receiving interventional EP procedures with a maximum of two VAs were discharged on the day of procedure, after the hemostasis and ambulation were proven. The VA hemostasis was achieved either by using a vascular closure system (VCS) or by a figure-of-eight suture followed by compressive bandage application. All patients were scheduled for a medical visit the day after procedure for groin examination and suture removal. Results A total of 12 patients (25% females, median age 64 (57.3, 66.8) years, median BMI 30.5 (22.3, 33.7) Kg/m2) undergoing EP procedures followed the SDD protocol in our center. All patients had an atrial fibrillation (AF) diagnosis, 66.7% of them paroxysmal. Five (45.5%) patients had a CHA2DS2VASc score of 1. A total of 4 (33.3%) patients presented arterial hypertension, 3 (25%) diabetes mellitus, 1 a history of stroke, 1 of myocardial infarction and 1 had chronic kidney disease and kidney transplantation. Eleven (91.7%) patients were under oral anticoagulation. The most common procedure was AF ablation, in 10 (83.3%) patients, while 1 (8.3%) patient underwent cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation and 1 (8.3%) a left atrial appendage closure procedure. In 10 (72.7%) AF ablations the energy source was cryoenergy, in 1 laserenergy and in 1 electroporation. The CTI ablation was performed by means of radiofrequency. A VCS was used in 7 (58.3%) patients. Six of these patients received 2 VCSs, while the patient with PFA based ablation had a single vascular access, thus only one VCS. The procedure was reported successful in all cases, and no intraprocedural complication occurred. During the next day visit, a groin hematoma has reported in 2 (16.7%) patients, no one requiring further therapeutical measures or hospitalization. All the other patients had no puncture related complications. The median FU time was 46.5 (26, 90.3) days. During FU only one patient had an unplanned ambulatory visit due to flecainide intolerance. Readmission during FU was reported in only 2 patients, none of them procedure related. Conclusions In selected patients undergoing EP procedures SDD seems to be safe and feasible. This approach increases healthcare capabilities, patients' comfort and reduces the cost of medical care.
same day discharge,interventional electrophysiology procedures
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