Homework Correction Burden and Strategies for Junior High School English Teachers: An Interview Study

Yan Ma,Changwu Wei

World Journal of Education(2023)

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The burden of homework correction is a major stress factor for junior high school teachers and has received significant academic attention. This study aimed to understand the perspectives of junior high school English teachers on homework correction, the challenges they face, and strategies to address these challenges. Thirteen junior high school English teachers from Guangxi, China, were interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed that homework correction benefits teachers by enhancing their understanding of student learning, promoting student engagement, and facilitating classroom management. It also discovered drawbacks such as inefficient or hurried homework correction, and students' dependence on teachers as well. Time constraints and limited energy emerge as primary difficulties junior high school English teachers face. Participants recommended utilization of intelligent assignment management platforms and zero correction practices to alleviate the burden. Additionally, school supports in professional and personal life contribute to teachers’ well-being. These findings provide valuable insights and practical strategies for educational management departments to mitigate the homework correction burden experienced by junior high school English teachers.
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