Microorganisms Improve Physiological Performace to Oil Palm Seedings Growth Promote

Daniele Aparecida Mendonça Pereira, Maria Luiza Brito Brito, Juliana Tavares Dias, Verônica Daniely Pereira Paes da Silva,Mauro Junior Borges Pacheco, Thayná da Cruz Ferreira, Maria Carolina Sarto Fernandes Rodrigues,Dalton Dias da Silva Júnior,Gisele Barata da Silva,Gledson Luiz Salgado de Castro

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Elaeis guineensis Jacq. It is the oilseed that has stood out in the production of oil of high economic value. The main global producers are Malaysia and Indonesia. In Brazil, the cultivated area is concentrated in the state of Pará. Seedling production requires a long nursery period and high consumption of chemical fertilizers. Currently, studies reporting the use of microbial technology to minimize the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and promote earlier seedling development. The objective of this study was to evaluate biometrics, biomass accumulation and gas exchange in oil palm seedlings inoculated with microorganisms. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in a completely randomized design with five treatments, consisting of the inoculation of four Trichoderma microorganisms and a control, with five replications. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and treatment means were compared using the SNK test (P < 0.05). The inoculation of microorganisms promoted the growth of oil palm seedlings. The height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, root length, total chlorophyll, net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration, dry mass of leaves, aerial part, root and total, increased on average in inoculated seedlings compared to control seedlings. Total soluble sugars, on the other hand, decreased for inoculated plants compared to the control. Starch decreased compared to control. Therefore, the results show that better photosynthetic performance may be associated with the promotion of growth in oil palm seeds inoculated with microorganisms. It is likely that some physiological mechanisms are being activated by microorganisms for greater growth.
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