Advancement of Nanocarrier-Based Engineering for Specific Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy

Biological and medical physics series(2023)

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Cancer has progressed to distant organs and is becoming increasingly resistant to chemotherapy; advanced carcinoma is still thought to be an incurable condition. Even though significant therapeutic advances and more efficacious medicines have been made in recent years, long-term incidence rates and unwanted side effects remain the most significant downsides of current clinical procedures. Furthermore, because the majority of chemotherapy medications are hydrophobic, they must be diluted in organic solvents that are poisonous, in order to get an appropriate therapeutic dosage. Because of the limits of traditional cancer treatments, nanomedicine, or the medical use of nanotechnology, has been developed to give more safe and effective treatment for cancer. Nanomedicines’ ability to overcome resistance, increase solubility, enhance pharmacological character, and lessen chemotherapeuticChemotherapeutics medication side effects is so highly appreciated. During the last decade, their application in therapeutic settings has risen. At the moment, investigation is being conducted in the domain of innovative nano-pharmaceutical technology, including liposomesLiposome, polymer nanoparticlesNanoparticles (NPs), lipid vesicles, carbon nanotubesCarbon Nanotubes (CNt), quantum dotsQuantum Dots (QDs), etc. in order to enhance the effectiveness and longevity of chemotherapy. Until recently, a variety of nanocarriersNanocarriers have been used as treatment solid tumours such as lung, brain, pancreatic, liver, and breast, in a number of trials. NanocarriersNanocarriers, amongst the several extant nanosystems, have the potential to alter traditional medicine by minimising side effects and allowing for the controlled release of medicinal chemicals. In addition, their compact size makes intracellular absorption easier. Here, we take a deeper look at the therapeutic potential and way of action of nanomedicines in the fight against drug resistance. The importance of cancer cell-specific targeting is also debatable.
specific drug delivery,cancer therapy,nanocarrier-based
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