Co-aggregation with Apolipoprotein E modulates the function of Amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease

Zhengyuan Xia,Emily Prescott,Tom Leah,Helen Dakin,Eleni Dimou, Yi Zuo, Zhang Yp, Lam Jyl, Danial Jsh,Hong Jiang, Mortiboys Hj,Peter Thornton, Crowther Dc, Holtzman Dm, Ranasinghe Rt,David Klenerman,De S

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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Abstract Which isoforms of apolipoprotein E (apoE) we inherit determine our risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), but the mechanism underlying this link is poorly understood. In particular, the relevance of direct interactions between apoE and amyloid-β (Aβ) remains controversial. Here, single-molecule imaging shows that all isoforms of apoE associate with Aβ in the early stages of aggregation and then fall away as fibrillation happens. ApoE-Aβ co-aggregates account for ∼50% of the mass of soluble Aβ aggregates detected in the frontal cortices of homozygotes with the higher-risk APOE4 gene. Our results connect inherited APOE genotype with the risk of developing AD by demonstrating how, in an isoform- and lipidation-specific way, apoE modulates the aggregation, clearance and toxicity of Aβ. Selectively removing non-lipidated apoE4-Aβ co-aggregates enhances clearance of toxic Aβ by glial cells, and reduces inflammation and membrane damage, demonstrating a clear path to AD therapeutics.
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