Regaining the pink tissue curtain: a case report

Saurabh Sinha, Khushbu Adhikari, Shankar Babu Tp, Koshika Tandon Sinha

IP international journal of periodontology and implantology(2021)

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Gingival recession is characterized by the displacement of the gingival margin apically from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ)(1) and is one of the most common mucogingival deformity observed in our day to day practice. Gingival recession can be generalized or localized and may be associated with one or more surfaces of tooth. The exposed root surfaces may lead to hypersensitivity and increase the chances for developing root caries. It may become difficult to perform plaque control due to decreased amount of attached gingiva and vestibular depth leading to predisposition of the area to gingival inflammation.(2) The main indication for root coverage is esthetic demand together with reduction of root sensitivity and management of root caries or cervical abrasion, according the American Academy of Periodontology’s positional paper on mucogingival therapy.(3) Various modalities have been put forward for treatment of recession in which, according to Miller, root coverage procedure is quite predictable and the patient should be made aware about this procedure. In contrast, according to Dorfman(4) et al if marginal tissue can be maintained free of inflammation, treatment of recession need not be considered. Free gingival grafting is a well-established mucogingival procedure for increasing the width of attached gingiva.(5)This procedure has proven to be reliable in increasing attached gingiva and stopping further progression of recession. Keywords: Mucogingival, root Coverage, free Gingival Graft, Connective Tissue Graft, Esthetic root Coverage, Bridging, Creeping Attachment
pink tissue curtain,case report
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