Sex Differences in the Impact of Childhood Socioeconomic Status on Immune Function

medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2020)

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Abstract We examined relationships between multiple sources of early life stress and adult immune function in humans. Adult participants provided retrospective information about their childhood a) socioeconomic status, b) household unpredictability, and c) exposure to adverse experiences. Participants’ peripheral blood mononuclear cells were then isolated for use in functional assays: a) tumor cell lysis by natural killer cells, and b) phagocytosis of Escherichia coli bioparticles, and c) mitogen-induced leukocyte proliferation and cytokine release. In men, lower childhood socioeconomic status predicted decrements in immunological performance across functional assays, along with greater spontaneous cytokine release from PBMCs. These changes co-occurred with elevations in plasma testosterone levels. Similar effects were not observed for other sources of stress, nor were they found in women (with the exception of spontaneous cytokine release). These findings provide evidence that low childhood socioeconomic status has a lasting negative impact on multiple aspects of immune function, particularly in men.
childhood socioeconomic status,immune,sex differences
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