Intersecting gender identity and racial/ethnic inequities in eating disorder risk factors, symptoms, and diagnosis among US college students: An intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy


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Introduction: There are documented inequities in eating disorders (EDs) by gender and race/ethnicity, yet, little is known about population-level prevalence of ED risk factors, symptoms, and diagnosis at the intersection of diverse gender and racial/ethnic identities. Methods: Data from the Healthy Minds Study 2015-2019 (N = 251,310 U.S. university students) were used in a multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA). Participants were nested in 35 intersectional strata given by all combinations of 5 gender and 7 racial/ethnic categories. Multilevel logistic models with participants at level 1 and intersectional strata at level 2 were used to estimate stratum-specific predicted prevalence estimates for self-reported thin-ideal internalization, ED symptoms, and ED diagnosis. The variance partition coefficient (VPC) was calculated to quantify the contextual effect of the strata. Results: There was considerable heterogeneity in the predicted prevalence of our ED outcomes across the strata (e.g., .3%-18.3% for ED diagnoses). There were large disparities in all three outcomes, with transgender participants of color having a higher predicted prevalence than expected based on the additive effects of gender and race/ethnicity. Moderation by race/ethnicity was also apparent, such that racial/ethnic disparities were wider within the cisgender groups relative to the transgender groups. VPCs indicated that similar to 10% of the total variance in ED outcomes was due to intersectionality between gender and race/ethnicity, over and above variance due to individual-level differences. Conclusion: Findings suggest that gender and racial/ethnic disparities in EDs are interrelated, underscoring the need to develop preventive interventions centering health equity.Public significance: Despite evidence that sexism, racism, and cissexism (i.e., anti-transgender prejudice) can impact EDs risk, little research examines the social patterning of EDs at the intersection of diverse gender and racial/ethnic identities. Using data from a sample of 250,000 U.S. university students, this study found that gender and racial/ethnic disparities in eating disorder risk are interrelated, highlighting the need to develop health equity centered preventive interventions.
eating disorder symptoms,gender identity,health equity,intersectionality,MAIHDA,multilevel,race/ethnicity,thin-ideal internalization,university students,young adults
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