A Novel Modified Surgical Approach for FIL SSF Lens


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This study aimed to describe a novel modified surgical technique for FIL SSF lens (Rome, Italy: Soleko) implantation. A retrospective study of FIL SSF lens implantation on six eyes of six patients with subluxated or dislocated intraocular lens (IOL). Standard pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) was performed in all patients. The subluxated or dislocated IOL was removed from a 2.4 corneal incision. From the same incision, the folded FIL SSF lens was inserted. Then lens plugs were extremized through a 23G scleral incision inside two 4 mm pockets that were created at the beginning of the operation. In two cases one pocket had to be converted into a triagonal-shaped scleral flap. All scleral pockets were sutured with 7.0 Vicryl suture and the conjunctiva with 7.0 Vicryl. In the follow-up period of six months, the lens is centered and not tilted. The refractive outcome is within the expectations. Visual acuity is improved in all patients. No haptic exposure and no other complications were noted in all cases. FIL SSF lens is a good option for treating aphakia. This modified implantation technique is safe, fast, and easy. It is also versatile, combining the advantages of both previously described techniques, as it gives the option of flap conversion if needed. Larger studies and prospective comparative studies can highlight the best and more appropriate technique.
scleral-fixated iol,pars plana vitrectomy (ppv),surgical flaps,lens subluxation,aphakia
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