Single-Molecule X-ray Scattering Used to Visualize the Conformation Distribution of Biological Molecules via Single-Object Scattering Sampling


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Biological macromolecules, the fundamental building blocks of life, exhibit dynamic structures in their natural environment. Traditional structure determination techniques often oversimplify these multifarious conformational spectra by capturing only ensemble- and time-averaged molecular structures. Addressing this gap, in this work, we extend the application of the single-object scattering sampling (SOSS) method to diverse biological molecules, including RNAs and proteins. Our approach, referred to as "Bio-SOSS", leverages ultrashort X-ray pulses to capture instantaneous structures. In Bio-SOSS, we employ two gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as labels, which provide strong contrast in the X-ray scattering signal, to ensure precise distance determinations between labeled sites. We generated hypothetical Bio-SOSS images for RNAs, proteins, and an RNA-protein complex, each labeled with two AuNPs at specified positions. Subsequently, to validate the accuracy of Bio-SOSS, we extracted distances between these nanoparticle labels from the images and compared them with the actual values used to generate the Bio-SOSS images. Specifically, for a representative RNA (1KXK), the standard deviation in distance discrepancies between molecular dynamics snapshots and Bio-SOSS retrievals was found to be optimally around 0.2 A, typically within 1 A under practical experimental conditions at state-of-the-art X-ray free-electron laser facilities. Furthermore, we conducted an in-depth analysis of how various experimental factors, such as AuNP size, X-ray properties, and detector geometry, influence the accuracy of Bio-SOSS. This comprehensive investigation highlights the practicality and potential of Bio-SOSS in accurately capturing the diverse conformation spectrum of biological macromolecules, paving the way for deeper insights into their dynamic natures.
structure of biomolecules,X-ray scattering,nanoparticle labeling,single molecule,structural ensemble,RNAs,proteins
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