Biomimetic Wearable Sensors: Emerging Combination of Intelligence and Electronics


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Owing to the advancement of interdisciplinary concepts, for example, wearable electronics, bioelectronics, and intelligent sensing, during the microelectronics industrial revolution, nowadays, extensively mature wearable sensing devices have become new favorites in the noninvasive human healthcare industry. The combination of wearable sensing devices with bionics is driving frontier developments in various fields, such as personalized medical monitoring and flexible electronics, due to the superior biocompatibilities and diverse sensing mechanisms. It is noticed that the integration of desired functions into wearable device materials can be realized by grafting biomimetic intelligence. Therefore, herein, the mechanism by which biomimetic materials satisfy and further enhance system functionality is reviewed. Next, wearable artificial sensory systems that integrate biomimetic sensing into portable sensing devices are introduced, which have received significant attention from the industry owing to their novel sensing approaches and portabilities. To address the limitations encountered by important signal and data units in biomimetic wearable sensing systems, two paths forward are identified and current challenges and opportunities are presented in this field. In summary, this review provides a further comprehensive understanding of the development of biomimetic wearable sensing devices from both breadth and depth perspectives, offering valuable guidance for future research and application expansion of these devices. Wearable sensors are advanced noninvasive diagnostic tools for disease and health monitoring. By mimicking biological sensing strategies, sensors have achieved significant improvements in material functionality and detection mechanisms. This article summarizes the outstanding advantages of biomimetic wearable sensors in terms of material functionality and proposes reasonable recommendations to promote higher-level sensing capabilities in multiple fields.image
artificial intelligence,artificial sensory systems,biomimetic functional materials,synthetic biology,wearable sensing systems
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