„Der zeitliche Gesamtaufwand für den Hausarzt sinkt“: Die Sicht der Zuweisenden auf eine palliativmedizinische Tagesklinik

Anne Müller, Alfred Paul,Johannes Best, Stephanie Kunkel,Julia Strupp,Raymond Voltz

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen(2023)

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Palliative day-care clinics (PDCCs) can complement inpatient and outpatient specialized palliative care. Some studies have shown improvements in the patients'́ symptoms, functional level and psychological well-being, while others have not. This study aimed to document the experience of referring physicians with PDCCs.A postal questionnaire was sent to referring physicians between 11/2020 and 3/2021. The questionnaire included open and closed questions about professional background, symptom control, medical / psychosocial benefits for patients and challenges in the collaboration. Closed, 5-point scaled questions were analyzed descriptively with IBM SPSS Statistics 25®, open questions with a thematic content analysis using MAXQDA 2020®.Of the 96 referring physicians contacted, 76 questionnaires were returned (79%), 73 of which could be analyzed. Most referring physicians were general practitioners (57%), followed by oncologists (28%). 12% had completed further training in palliative medicine and had been working with patients with palliative care needs for an average of almost 19 years. On average, they had referred 24 patients (range 1-200) to a PDCC. 93% said that inpatient stays were delayed or avoided by PDCCs. 97% were of the opinion that their patients achieved a (great or rather great) benefit from medical treatment, and 96% thought that they benefited (to a great or rather great degree) from psychosocial treatment. 58% said that their own time spent with patients treated at the PDCC had decreased. In addition, a total of 227 open comments on challenges in cooperation, suggestions for optimization, reasons for referring patients and general wishes for PDCCs were analyzed.The high response rate to the questionnaires shows that PDCCs are of great importance to referring physicians. They consider the cooperation with PDCCs to be supportive and helpful for both themselves and their patients.PDCCs make an important contribution to palliative care. Almost all respondents believe that treatment at a PDCC prevents or delays hospitalization.
Palliativmedizinische Tagesklinik,Zuweisende,Spezialisierte Palliativversorgung,Palliativmedizin,Tagesklinik
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