Estimation of Carbon Fluxes from a City at 1 km × 1 km Grid Using Remotely Sensed Data

IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(2023)

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In today’s world, environmental pollution is worsening and having detrimental effects on the environment. The current focus of human endeavors is aimed at reducing this pollution to ensure a sustainable future for our planet. In this pursuit, we are striving to create a framework that can estimate the carbon fluxes within a city. The accurate estimation of carbon fluxes from cities is crucial for understanding and mitigating their impact on global greenhouse gas emissions. This paper presents a novel approach for estimating carbon fluxes at a spatial resolution of 1 km x 1 km grids using remotely sensed data. Our research relies on indicators such as population and impervious surface area as proxies for estimating carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) levels with a linear regression model. To test the generality of the method and models, we have validated our grid-model coefficients on point data and vice versa.
Carbon Fluxes,Urban Emissions,Remote Sensing,Carbon Grid
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