Proposal of CYPHONIC end-device functions on Windows OS

Guilherme Seidy Ujiie, Ren Goto,Kazushige Matama, Yoshiya Suzuki,Hidekazu Suzuki,Katsuhiro Naito

2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)(2023)

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The authors are currently engaged in researching and developing CYber PHysical Overlay Network over Internet Communication (CYPHONIC), a secure communication technology to achieve communication connectivity and mobility transparency. The conventional version of CYPHONIC is primarily developed for Linux terminals, and as of now, the terminal functionality for other operating systems remains unimplemented. Considering the widespread adoption of Windows in the market, implementing terminal functionality for Windows is considered essential for future development. In this paper, we focus on designing and implementing the terminal functionality of CYPHONIC, specifically for Windows. In our approach, we use a virtual interface using Windows-specific TUN/TAP and proceed to design and implement the terminal functionality, which leverages Windows network socket, thus enabling the utilization of CYPHONIC nodes on Windows platform. Through performance evaluations conducted using a prototype implementation, we have confirmed that it is feasible to achieve communication performance equivalent to the terminal functionality available on Linux.
NAPT traversal,Mobility,Zero-trust network,Overlay network,Windows
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