Ash Dieback in Forests and Rural Areas-History and Predictions


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Ash trees are an important component of both forests and the countryside. Emerging new diseases like ash dieback poses new challenges to Fraxinus spp., which not only have to adapt to global warming but also defend themselves against new threats from pathogenic fungi and insect pests. A new species of fungus, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, has arrived in Europe from Asia and has severely damaged shoots which alters the structure of ash tree crowns. While some older trees have survived, younger trees are dying en masse, so the only hope is that the surviving trees will produce a younger generation that may be more resistant to the new diseases. The fine roots of ash trees are also attacked by pathogenic oomycetes, and others by Armillaria spp. The current stressed condition of ash trees in Europe is exacerbated by a new threat from insects. Agrillus planipennis, emerald ash borer, migrating from the east (from near Moscow airport) towards the borders of the European Union, killing thousands of ash trees on its way. This raises the question of future prospects for ash cultivation in Europe. This article takes a closer look at the information described in the literature.
Fraxinus spp.,biological threat,Hymenoscyphus fraxineus,Agrillus planipennis,climate change threatening growing conditions
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