Secure, Intelligent, Programmable Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks

ARTMAN '23: Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on Recent Advances in Resilient and Trustworthy ML Systems in Autonomous Networks(2023)

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Space-air-ground integrated networks (SAGIN) or space-air-ground-sea integrated networks (SAGSIN) extend terrestrial network infrastructure to non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) integrating satellite communications, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), high altitude platforms (HAPs), and space systems. These integrated networks can provide connectivity to remote locations, enhance service delivery, and support new ventures. While there is a benefit to the use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to manage analysis of massive volumes of space and terrestrial network data and to provide intelligent systems management in space missions and terrestrial network services, the extension of terrestrial networking to integrate space systems merits analysis with respect to AI and security. ML and AI solutions are being explored to advance cooperative and autonomous behaviour, self-organisation, and optimization within the SAGIN. Specifically, there are questions around the impact of interactive systems in space e.g., satellite/UAV cooperation (AI-driven) and security considerations of the dynamic environment. There is also the question of the global nature of space e.g., how to cooperate/collaborate between nations, how to regulate or account for the lack of regulation in space. Furthermore, there is a question of sustainability and the impact of expansion of terrestrial systems into space. In this talk, we will explore the security, intelligence, and programmable aspects of SAGIN with particular consideration of the dynamic interactions throughout the SAGIN, the global nature of space and what this means for SAGIN design and operation.
Network Security,Non-terrestrial Networks,Machine Learning,Programmable Networking,Software-Defined Networks,6G
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