Regulation of T16H subcellular localization for promoting its catalytic efficiency in yeast cells

Jiancong Cao,Bingrun Yang, Mengxia Zhang,Fang Yu

Biotechnology Letters(2023)

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To investigate the effect of subcellular localization on the transformation efficiency of heterologous expressed functional P450s in yeast. Microbial biotransformation offers a promising substitute for the direct extraction of natural products, but its viability in industrial applications depends on achieving high transformation efficiencies. To investigate the influence of subcellular microenvironments on the activity of heterologously expressed P450s, Catharanthus roseus tabersonine 16-hydroxylase (T16H) was chosen, and its subcellular localization was regulated by fusing organelle-localization signals. Interestingly, this manipulation had no effect on the gene expression levels of T16H, but resulted in varying conversion rates from tabersonine to 16-hydroxy tabersonine. Notably, the highest transformation efficiency was observed in yeast cells expressing peroxisome-localized T16H. Given the alkaline pH optimum for P450s, the alkaline peroxisomal lumen could be a suitable compartment for P450s reactions to achieve high transformation efficiency using yeast cells. Different organelle-localization of T16H in yeast cells resulted in varying conversion rates, suggesting that compartmentalizing the expression of target enzymes could be a viable approach to increase transformation efficiency in yeast.
Biotransformation efficiency,Catharanthus rosues T16H,Cytochrome P450s,Natural products,Subcellular localization
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