State of the Art of Aviation Safety Reporting in Europe

Lucas Fernandes da Costa Pappacena, Beatrice Conti, Giuliano Antoniciello,Giorgio Guglieri

Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio(2023)

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Since the introduction of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council in 2014, [ 1 ], EU Member States and EASA have been required to publish the Annual Safety Review (ASR). The ASR contains an overview of the safety statistics in each Member State, reporting numerical indicators and graphical representations. Its goal is to describe national aviation safety scenarios on which appropriate preventive measures can be based. Among the diversity of reporting practices within the EU Member States, it is possible to find a common set of criteria for the analysis of ASRs, to design homogeneous and data-driven safety measures across the continent. Currently, the main obstacles to our approach arise from the wide variety of reporting styles and the lack of shared guidelines for ASRs. This paper proposes a template to assist EU Member States in the process of producing their ASRs and presents a comparative analysis of a selected subset of these documents.
Safety, Regulation, Review, EASA
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