A French national survey - Part 2: What were the conditions of the professional practice of paediatric anaesthesia in 2021?

Corinne Lejus-Bourdeau, Gilles Brezac, Sonia Delaporte-Cerceau, Ariane De Windt,Yann Hamonic,Delphine Kern,Karine Nouette-Gaulain,Mathilde De Queiroz


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Context > Before updating of the recommendations on the structural, material and functional organization of paediatric anaesthesia (PA) in France, a national survey explored the current conditions of PA practice and the application of previous guidelines.Methods > An online survey was shared during the second half of 2021 with SFAR and ADARPEF members.Results > The survey was completed by 710 anaesthetists with exclusive paediatric activity (group E) (19%) or mixed adult/child activity (group M) (81%). A medical team was dedicated to PA for 35% of the responders and the presence of an anaesthetic nurse was systematic for 65% of the responders; 38% of them managed one child at a time and 45% simultaneously one child and one adult. In group E, the median ratio (3 anaesthetists for 4 operative rooms) was higher than the desired ratio for 35% of responders. In University hospitals, 27% of responders were also involved in paediatric intensive care and 40% in continuing paediatric care. In group M, children were managed in adult consultation (88%), operating room (73%), in mixed SSPI (50%), in ambulatory (40%) or conventional (33%) adult sector without a dedicated sector. In the M group, the quality of PA activity was considered inadequate by 22% of the responders with insufficient equipment (27%), postoperative monitoring (53%), medical paediatric skills (33%), surgical skills (28%) and anaesthetic nurse skills (22%).Conclusion > Our results pointed caution regarding the organisation of PA activities, in particular the securisation of specific paediatric surgical care pathways and the availability of paediatric equipment.
Paediatric anaesthesia, Anaesthetists and intensive care physicians, Organisation of health care institutions, Professional practice, Guidelines
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