CN15 Real-life clinical and organizational evaluation of telemonitoring and assisted telemonitoring in more than 1500 cancer patients

S. Martin, A. Fritsch, C. Jouannaud, J. Martin-Babau, B. Mennecier, F. Slimano, A. Bordeau, L. Guéroult-Accolas, B. Delcour, E. Raymond, S. Renet, C. Sonntag, A. Morel, P. Barthelemy

Annals of Oncology(2023)

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Telemonitoring of patients receiving cancer therapy has been shown to improve patient outcomes in clinical trials. However, telemonitoring must be accessible to all patients, regardless of their digital literacy or vulnerability, and only limited evidence of real-life clinical and organizational impact has been provided. We performed a multicenter retrospective observational study of telemonitoring for patients receiving oral anticancer drug and/or immunotherapy in routine practice. Depending on the oncologists' decision, patients were included in either remote monitoring or assisted remote monitoring with a home nurse or their community pharmacist. The tool records graded adverse events (AE) (CTCAE V5.0), vital signs, treatment characteristics, tumor baseline characteristics. Compliance (rated by Girerd questionnaire) was also collected. Reporting intervals and duration were based on the patients' treatment type. Based on alerts and clinical examination, the oncologists implemented interventions if needed. From January 2019 to September 2022, 1556 patients (median: 69 yo; 67,9% of women) from 57 different healthcare facilities were included: 1097 with home nurse support, 152 with community pharmacist support, and 350 with self-assessment. A total of 4509 healthcare professionals (HCPs) were involved in the remote monitoring of at least one patient, which corresponds to 4,6 different HCPs per patient, with different roles (remote monitoring leads, assistance to patients in the remote monitoring …). Nearly half of the patients had breast cancer (49.1%) followed by renal and lung cancer (16.9% and 14.7% respectively). Most patients were treated with an oral antineoplastic agent (83.3%). 94,8% of patients reported an AE; 27.7% had a grade 3 or 4 AE and 58.5% had at least 1 unexpected/rare AE. The compliance rated in the 668 assessed patients remains high at 3 months (79,9% of patients with a score of 0 at initiation vs 79,6% at 3 months). Telemonitoring of patients with anticancer treatment allows early detection of AE and maintenance of treatment compliance at 3 months. Besides, it strengthens the community care - hospital network.
telemonitoring,cancer patients,clinical,real-life
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