2112P Initial geriatric assessment and chemotherapy tolerability treatment in Brazilian patients with malignant neoplasm of the digestive system

M. Dumont Bonfin Santos,N.M. Forones

Annals of Oncology(2023)

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The WHO (World Health Organization) defines elderly as individuals aged 60 years or older in developing countries. It is known that due to sociodemographic changes such as increased life expectancy, there was an increase in the prevalence of cancer diagnosis in this population subgroup. Associated with the fact that historically these individuals are underrepresented in the main oncological clinical studies, the challenge of a better way of evaluating these patients, who inherently have different physiological characteristics, arises. In this context, the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (GGA) is consolidated as an adequate application tool. This study aims to evaluate, based on the domains of the CGA, elderly patients with malignant neoplasm of the digestive tract who will start chemotherapy treatment and associate it with the tolerability of the treatment after 3 months. This prospective study included patients with neoplasia of the digestive tract: esophagus, stomach, pancreas, biliary tract, colon and rectum, evaluated at baseline and after 3 months of chemotherapy. Patients aged 60 years or older were selected. The CGA was applied at the beginning of the treatment. Treatment tolerability was defined in this study by toxicity and maintenance or not of the chosen treatment at the end of 3 months. The data were registered in Excel and subsequently imported into IBM-SPSS Statistics version 28 for comparative analysis between groups. This study was approved by the ethics committee (CAAE:30127320.0.0000.5505). All patients signed a Term of Free and Informed Consent before inclusion. 50 patients (median age: 68), colorectal (42%). Stage II: 7 patients, III:18, IV: 25.Correlated with toxicity: IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) and nutritional status. Dependent for IADL developed more G3 toxicity (p= 0.048) and were unable to continue treatment: the Lawton scale (p=0.020) ;Pfeffer questionnaire (p=0.024).Malnourished developed more G3 toxicity (p=0.003) and suspended/modified treatment (p=0.002). The evaluation of functionality and nutrition domains were associated with toxicity and maintenance of treatment after 3 months.
chemotherapy tolerability treatment,malignant neoplasm,brazilian patients
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