GitBug-Actions: Building Reproducible Bug-Fix Benchmarks with GitHub Actions

Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings(2023)

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Bug-fix benchmarks are fundamental in advancing various sub-fields of software engineering such as automatic program repair (APR) and fault localization (FL). A good benchmark must include recent examples that accurately reflect technologies and development practices of today. To be executable in the long term, a benchmark must feature test suites that do not degrade overtime due to, for example, dependencies that are no longer available. Existing benchmarks fail in meeting both criteria. For instance, Defects4J, one of the foremost Java benchmarks, last received an update in 2020. Moreover, full-reproducibility has been neglected by the majority of existing benchmarks. In this paper, we present GitBug-Actions: a novel tool for building bug-fix benchmarks with modern and fully-reproducible bug-fixes. GitBug-Actions relies on the most popular CI platform, GitHub Actions, to detect bug-fixes and smartly locally execute the CI pipeline in a controlled and reproducible environment. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to rely on GitHub Actions to collect bug-fixes. To demonstrate our toolchain, we deploy GitBug-Actions to build a proof-of-concept Go bug-fix benchmark containing executable, fully-reproducible bug-fixes from different repositories. A video demonstrating GitBug-Actions is available at:
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