Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on college students' mental health and lifestyle factors.

Caitlin Chen, Ashlyn Jew, Charlotte Chui, Jill Horn,Erin Kim, Dina Melkonian,Daniel Eisenberg

Journal of American college health : J of ACH(2023)

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This study examines how mental health and health behaviors evolved among college students nationwide before and during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collected from college students across various campuses in Fall 2019 ( = 33,372) and Fall 2020 ( = 34,168) as part of the Healthy Minds Study. : The online survey was delivered Qualtrics. Data was analyzed through an unpaired two-samples T-test and a two-proportion Z-test. The results show a significant difference of depression and anxiety symptoms in college students during Fall 2020 compared to Fall 2019. Sleep patterns significantly shifted during the pandemic. Substance use, perceived need for counseling, and the amount of time students spent exercising all significantly differed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the context of declines in mental health among college students, college campuses should implement mental health support models addressing students' individual health risk and lifestyle behaviors.
College students, COVID-19, lifestyle behaviors, mental health
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