High Non-affordability of Diets and Malnutrition in Africa's Drylands: Systems Analysis to Guide Action

Nora Hobbs, Julia Hug,Saskia de Pee


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Background: Africa's drylands have unique food environments and persistently high rates of wasting and stunting. This article documents findings and experiences from Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) processes conducted in 7 Sub-Saharan African countries that include drylands.Objective: This study advocates for a comprehensive consideration of the specific food environments of drylands using a novel analytical framework and shares findings and best practices for improving food and nutrition security in these contexts.Methods: Three analyses are combined. Analysis 1 re-analyzes cost and non-affordability of nutrient-adequate diets indicators from FNGs by reclassifying areas as drylands and non-drylands. Analysis 2 uses malnutrition estimates in drylands and non-drylands and examines associations with non-affordability of nutrient-adequate diets. Analysis 3 synthesizes evidence from FNG processes to document how those indicators were used to engage stakeholders and inform nutrition policy and practice in drylands.Results: The nutrient-adequate diet of a 5-person household was 2.60 USD (41%) more expensive in drylands. A nutrient-adequate diet was not affordable to 71% of households in drylands, compared to 55% in non-drylands. Wasting and stunting prevalence and non-affordability of nutrient-adequate diets were simultaneously high in drylands.Conclusion: The article presents new evidence that contributes to elucidate specific characteristics of the food environment of Africa's drylands and suggests a framework to improve on those factors systematically. The FNG is innovative in combining an analytical framework with multistakeholder review and dialogue, as well as modeling of possible strategies, to build consensus on possible transformation pathways to improve diets in drylands.
dryland,non-affordability,diet,nutrition,cost,food systems,multi-sectoral
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