Structural analysis of Hindi online handwritten characters for character recognition


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Direction properties of online strokes are used to analyze them in terms of homogeneous regions or sub-strokes with points satisfying common geometric properties. Such sub-strokes are called sub-units. These properties are used to extract sub-units from Hindi ideal online characters. These properties along with some heuristics are used to extract sub-units from Hindi online handwritten characters.\\ A method is developed to extract point stroke, clockwise curve stroke, counter-clockwise curve stroke and loop stroke segments as sub-units from Hindi online handwritten characters. These extracted sub-units are close in structure to the sub-units of the corresponding Hindi online ideal characters.\\ Importance of local representation of online handwritten characters in terms of sub-units is assessed by training a classifier with sub-unit level local and character level global features extracted from characters for character recognition. The classifier has the recognition accuracy of 93.5\% on the testing set. This accuracy is the highest when compared with that of the classifiers trained only with global features extracted from characters in the same training set and evaluated on the same testing set.\\ Sub-unit extraction algorithm and the sub-unit based character classifier are tested on Hindi online handwritten character dataset. This dataset consists of samples from 96 different characters. There are 12832 and 2821 samples in the training and testing sets, respectively.
online handwritten characters,hindi,structural analysis,recognition
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