Consensus document for lipid profile determination and reporting in Spanish clinical laboratories. What parameters should be included in a basic lipid profile?

Teresa Arrobas Velilla,Carlos Guijarro, Raquel Campuzano Ruiz,Manuel Rodríguez Piñero,José Francisco Valderrama Marcos, Antonio M Botana López,Ana Morais López,José Antonio García Donaire, Juan Carlos Obaya, Luis Castilla Guerra,Vicente Pallares Carratalá,Isabel Egocheaga Cabello,Mercedes Salgueira Lazo, María Mar Castellanos Rodrigo, José María Mostaza Prieto,Juan José Gómez Doblas,Antonio Buño Soto


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) continue to be the main cause of death in our country. Adequate control of lipid metabolism disorders is a key challenge in cardiovascular prevention that is far from being achieved in real clinical practice. There is a great heterogeneity in the reports of lipid metabolism from Spanish clinical laboratories, which may contribute to its poor control. For this reason, a working group of the main scientific societies involved in the care of patients at vascular risk, has prepared this document with a consensus proposal on the determination of the basic lipid profile in cardiovascular prevention, recommendations for its realization and unification of criteria to incorporate the lipid control goals appropriate to the vascular risk of the patients in the laboratory reports.
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