First integrative oncology clinic in the Veteran Affairs (VA) Pittsburgh healthcare system


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e24041 Background: Integrative oncology (IO) is PROACTIVE and combines complementary with conventional care. The VA's comprehensive collection of integrative services is already in place. However, providers are often unaware of these, therefore veteran cancer patients don’t benefit from them. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer within the VA (31.8%), Aside from radiation/chemotherapy side effects (dry mouth, stomatitis, fatigue, neuropathy, gastrointestinal ) prostate cancer patients also have hormonal issues (hot flashes, low bone density, sexual dysfunction). Conventional treatments focus on symptoms (REACTIVE). Complementary and IO approaches are evidence-based toward specific treatment-related side effects. By educating and offering integrative approaches, we empower veterans to take charge of their health and well-being. Shifting our focus from treating only the disease to treating the entire patient, will improve health outcomes. Methods: Recruit 40 prostate cancer patients with fatigue, radiation-induced diarrhea, neuropathy, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and emotional issues(depression, anxiety, poor sleep, lack of energy). Identify/train providers to focus on concerning areas. Develop VA Personal Health Plans (PHP) to identify patients mission, aspiration, and purpose (MAP). Offer acupuncture, yoga, Reiki, TaiChi, meditation, biofeedback for headaches - Video Support group. Assessment tools. In late 2022, we reached our goal of 40 prostate cancer patients and opened clinic enrollment to patients of all cancer types. Results: The pilot IO clinic began in 2020, with 40 patients. In 2022, we expanded services to patients with other cancer types. Integrative options improved surgical outcomes, minimize chemotherapy /radiation side effects, boost morale, and optimize clinical outcomes. There is a high-interest level among oncology staff and patients. Resources are abundant but need organization and refinement to effectively present IO to our patients. Conclusions: There is huge potential for integrative oncology to improve the clinical, laboratory, and quality-of-life outcomes of cancer patients. We were able to construct a program within the Veteran Affairs, using existing integrative resources with high patient engagement. Currently, we plan to expand services to other VA sites nationwide.
first integrative oncology clinic,pittsburgh healthcare system,veteran affairs
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