Active Zone Trafficking of CaV2/UNC-2 Channels Is Independent of & beta;/CCB-1 and & alpha;2 & delta;/UNC-36 Subunits


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The CaV2 voltage-gated calcium channel is the major conduit of calcium ions necessary for neurotransmitter release at pre synaptic active zones (AZs). The CaV2 channel is a multimeric complex that consists of a pore-forming a1 subunit and two auxiliary b and a2d subunits. Although auxiliary subunits are critical for channel function, whether they are required for a1 trafficking is unresolved. Using endogenously fluorescent protein-tagged CaV2 channel subunits in Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that UNC-2/a1 localizes to AZs even in the absence of CCB-1/b or UNC-36/a2d, albeit at low levels. When UNC-2 is manipulated to be trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), CCB-1 and UNC-36 fail to colocalize with UNC-2 in the ER, indicating that they do not coassemble with UNC-2 in the ER. Moreover, blocking ER-associated degradation does not further increase presynaptic UNC-2 channels in ccb-1 or unc-36 mutants, indicating that UNC-2 levels are not regulated in the ER. An unc-2 mutant lacking C-terminal AZ protein interaction sites with intact auxiliary subunit binding sites displays persistent presynaptic UNC-2 localization and a prominent increase of UNC-2 channels in nonsynaptic axonal regions, underscoring a protective role of auxiliary subunits against UNC-2 degradation. In the absence of UNC-2, presynaptic CCB-1 and UNC-36 are profoundly diminished to barely detectable levels, indicating that UNC-2 is required for the presynaptic localization of CCB-1 and UNC-36. Together, our findings demonstrate that although the pore-forming subunit does not require auxiliary subunits for its trafficking and transport to AZs, it recruits auxiliary subunits to stabilize and expand calcium channel signalosomes.
C, elegans, presynaptic terminal, synaptic transmission, voltage-gated calcium channel
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