Designing a Mobility Data Trustee (MDT) Findings From a Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Requirements of an MDT.

Andreas Czech, Vivien Geenen, Constantin Breß, Marija Turkovic Popovski, Peter Krauß,Till Riedel, Frank Gauterin


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A large amount of different data is currently collected in the mobility sector. However, due to technical, legal, and economic hurdles, it cannot be made usable. The "TreuMoDa" project, in which a Mobility Data Trustee (MDT) is being designed and tested as a prototype in the autonomous driving test area in Baden-Württemberg, provides a solution to this problem. Data trustees are a pioneering option to enable cross-sectoral data exchange between different actors from industry, science, and society. We provide an insight into the concept of the MDT. Specifically, the requirements of various stakeholders from the automotive industry, software developers, infrastructure, cities, and transport companies are analyzed with regard to the expected organizational, legal, and technical functions of such an MDT. The concept of a data trustee is particularly relevant to research data infrastructures, as it can enable the flow of data from research to industry and vice versa. Our work therefore also will look at the MDT as part of a larger research data management scheme.
mobility data trustee,mdt
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