MEDYAANIA: A Complete Telemedicine System

2023 International Conference on IoT, Communication and Automation Technology (ICICAT)(2023)

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In India, the distribution of healthcare facilities is grossly unequal. Access to health care relies heavily on transportation, particularly in rural areas where travel distances are great and access to alternative modes such as public transit is limited. Although India has a doctor-to-patient ratio of 1:854 which is greater than the threshold recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 52% of these doctors only work in five states: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. To bridge the gap between urban and rural India in accessing healthcare telemedicine came into existence. Telemedicine makes it possible for patients to receive medical care regardless of their location. Though there were hesitations in the beginning, in the new normal telemedicine booms across the globe. Hence, in this study, various existing telemedicine device manufacturers in India were examined. The limitation examined is that the patient monitor system manufactured by these companies does not include all the significant vitals required. Therefore, a system was proposed to track the patient 24/7 including all the necessary vitals. A deep learning model would be employed to predict the abnormality and the possible diseases. An alert system is included to alert the doctor and patient if there is any anomaly found. Hyperledger Fabric blockchain was integrated with edge computing which would be used to provide data security and further analysis.
healthcare,IoMT,telemedicine,deep learning,Hyperledger Fabric
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