Clean realization of the Hund physics near the Mott transition: NiS_2 under pressure


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Strong correlation effects caused by Hund's coupling have been actively studied during the past decade. Hund's metal, strongly correlated while far from the Mott insulating limit, was studied as a representative example. However, recently, it was revealed that a typical Mott system also exhibits a sign of Hund physics by investigating the kink structure in the spectral function of NiS_2-xSe_x. Therefore, to understand the Hund physics in a half-filled multi-orbital system near the metal-insulator transition, we studied pressure-induced metallic states of NiS_2 by using density functional theory plus dynamical mean-field theory. Hund physics, responsible for suppressing local spin fluctuation, gives low-energy effective correlations, separated from Mott physics, which suppresses charge fluctuation at higher energy. This effect is prominent when J becomes comparable to the quasiparticle kinetic energy, showing apparent scaling behavior of the kink position E_kink∼ J · Z. We suggest that the Hund effect can also be observed in the optical conductivity as a non-Drude-like tail with 1/ω frequency dependence and non-monotonic temperature evolution of the integrated optical spectral weight at a fixed frequency. Our study demonstrates the important role of Hund's coupling for electronic correlations even in a half-filled system.
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