Ultrasound-guided lymph node fine-needle aspiration for evaluating post-vaccination germinal center responses in humans.

Larissa L S Scholte,David J Leggat, Kristen W Cohen,Lara Hoeweler, Guacyara C Erwin, Farhard Rahaman, Angela Lombardo,Vincent Philiponis, Dagna S Laufer, Heather Siefers, Alexis M Ruppel,Joshua Brand,Janine Maenza, Rhi Bronson, Madhu Prabhakaran, Jalen Jean-Baptiste,Orpheus Kolokythas, Aimee A Desrosiers, Caroline K Thoreson,Antje Heit, Nadia J Khati,Elissa Malkin,M Juliana McElrath,Adrian B McDermott,William R Schief,David Diemert,Jeffrey M Bethony

STAR protocols(2023)

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The lymph node (LN) is a critical biological site for immune maturation after vaccination as it includes several cell populations critical for priming the antibody response. Here, we present a protocol for sampling the LN and isolating cell populations to evaluate immunogens targeting germline cells. We describe steps for media and tube preparation and sample collection using an ultrasound-guided LN fine-needle aspiration procedure. This protocol is safe, quick, low-cost, and less invasive than excisional biopsy. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Leggat et al. (2022).1.
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