Rib Stress Fractures and a Novel Muscle-Sparing Rib Fixation Plating in an Elite Tennis Player: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Case Report.

Marcus Fearing, Vafa Behzadpour, Richard D House,Armin Tarakemeh,Tucker Morey, Jeffrey Randall,Bryan Vopat, Jean-Philippe Darche

Sports health(2023)

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A nationally ranked Division One female collegiate tennis player presented with pain in the chest and right posterior rib region after feeling a popping sensation during a routine overhead movement. The patient was eventually diagnosed with 2 lower rib stress fractures. After unsuccessful conservative management, the player underwent an open reduction and internal fixation and autologous bone grafting of the sixth and seventh ribs with a muscle-sparing approach and was able to return to full competition. We present this case along with a systematic review of the literature regarding rib stress fractures, which included 6 separate online data sources (PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, CINAHL, SportDiscus, and Medline). The successful surgical intervention demonstrates a significant option for elite athletes who wish to return to competition but have been unable to with standard of care conservative management of rib stress fractures.
athlete, rib fracture, sport, stress fracture
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